Our school day starts at 8.45am.
If your child is late, they need to sign in at the Main Office.
Please help us to make your child's day happy and successful by ensuring they are on time for their learning day.
If you are running late due to traffic or other reasons, please contact our school office on 01481 220898 to let us know and we will inform your child's teacher accordingly.
If your child is unwell, please phone the school office on 01481 220989 or stating the reason for your child's absence.
Please do not use Seesaw, as teachers and staff may not see the message as they will be teaching and with the other children in class.
If you do not contact the school, your child’s absence will be deemed as 'unauthorised'.
Please note that if your child has been sick (vomited) or has had diarrhoea, they should not come back into school until 48 hours after the last time they have been ill.
Holiday Authorisation
The Education Services informs parents that, “Under the Education (Guernsey) Law 1970, the Education Services is responsible for providing education for children between five and fifteen years of age. However, it is the responsibility of parents to ensure their children receive full-time education and, as far as possible, avoid any disruption to that education.”
We have become increasingly concerned about the number of pupils who take one or two weeks family holiday during term time. This is particularly disruptive to a pupil’s learning as the work missed may not be readily caught up. One week taken in the middle of a term, for example, will also, therefore, put that pupil’s progress at a disadvantage. Teaching staff will be under no professional obligation to set and mark work in these circumstances. The school has taken this policy in order to put the academic interests of the children first.
As from September 2016, the Education Services states the following:
'You will be aware that schools and Education Services promote high levels of school attendance. With this in mind, it has been agreed by Headteachers and education officers that from 1st September 2016 any holiday a pupil takes during term time will not be authorised.
If parents do intend to arrange for their child to have a holiday in term time, for safeguarding reasons they will be required to inform the headteacher of their intention and the dates of the holiday. The difference from previous years is that the headteacher will note the absence as unauthorised rather than possibly authorised. Any holidays from September 2016 that parents have already informed the school about will now be noted as unauthorised absence.
We see this policy as an important part of parents and schools working in partnership to support children's learning.’
Please ensure that our school and Headteacher is informed in writing of all periods of absence from school.