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Amherst Primary School

Every child, every chance, every day.

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Amherst Primary School

Every child, every chance, every day.

Our School Uniform

Our School Uniform

We have an official school uniform, and children are encouraged to take pride in their appearance.  We do ask that they come in suitable clothing, e.g. sensible school shoes suitable for playtime and trousers or skirts the child can manage. Trainers are not permitted.


The uniform is grey shorts/trousers/skirts with white polo neck shirts. Green jumpers, sweatshirts, cardigans and dresses are widely available.


During the summer term and until the October holiday, all children must wear a sunhat to school - preferably with a brim.



All the children wear their House T-shirts for PE. Upon school admission, parents will be told which house their child is in and can purchase the corresponding T-shirt from Fletchers. Children should wear dark green shorts in the summer and black or dark green tracksuit bottoms in the winter. All children require trainers for P.E. 


Children can also wear a school jumper or fleece in the colder months. 


For Years 5 and 6, shinpads and long black sports socks are required for football, hockey and rugby. 



At Amherst we swim during the summer term and until the October half term. Children will need bathers, a swimming cap and a towel/wrap.


Boys will need to wear swimming trunks, not board shorts. 

Girls need to wear a one-piece swimsuit, not a bikini. 


Googles can be worn. 



Jewellery should not be worn in school. However, watches and small stud earrings are allowed. If you are thinking of getting your child’s ears pierced, we ask that you consider doing this at the start of the summer holidays, as they will not be allowed to swim with the earrings in. 

Earrings must be removed for P.E.  Jewellery can cause accidents or injuries and can be lost or damaged.

Money and valuables should not be brought to school unless necessary. On arrival, they should be given to the class teacher.


Hair dye/haircuts


Please refrain from dying your child’s hair or having it cut in an inappropriate style, e.g. Mohican or shaved in patterns. This is unsuitable for school. Long hair should be tied back.


Nail varnish, acrylic nails and makeup are not permitted.



Uniforms, including P.E. Kits, are available from


The following are available to buy from the school office.

  • Book bags - £4.00
  • Sunhats - £3.50
  • Swimming cap (cloth) £1.50