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Amherst Primary School

Every child, every chance, every day.

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Amherst Primary School

Every child, every chance, every day.


Children and young people live in an age of fast-moving science, computing and technology. This area of learning is fundamental to exploring, understanding and influencing the natural and man-made worlds in which we live. It offers a wealth of experiences and ideas that encourage learners’ natural curiosity and creativity, inspiring awe and wonder.


Children and young people learn to value ideas and to see talking, thinking and hypothesising as essential elements in developing an understanding of new processes. Learning to tackle problems, forming questions, generating and testing ideas and designs and deciding how to seek solutions. They gather and make sense of evidence, test out hypotheses and evaluate processes and outcomes. They learn the possibilities of science, computing and technology, inspiring them to become the scientists, engineers, designers and innovators of the future. They learn how to become informed citizens, responsive to the needs of others and the world in which they live.



At Amherst Primary, we believe children and young people need to become skilled users of a wide range of technologies, and learning in computing and IT equips them with these skills. Becoming confident and responsible technology users is vital as technology activities help to develop problem-solving skills while promoting creative thinking.  We encourage learners to make connections across different kinds of learning and so become innovative, critical designers.



Teachers encourage children to develop their skills and knowledge by planning meaningful ICT activities within all areas of learning.  Children will develop their skills in computer science, digital literacy and digital citizenship throughout their learning journey from Reception to Year 6.   

Digital Citizenship

The following links are useful to help guide children in becoming responsible digital citizens:

Digital Literacy

Computer Science
