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Amherst Primary School

Every child, every chance, every day.

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Amherst Primary School

Every child, every chance, every day.

Equality and Inclusion

At Amherst Primary School we work hard to ensure that every member of our school community – pupils, parents, staff and visitors – feel safe and included. We focus on the well-being and progress of every child.



We have high expectations of all our children, including those with Special Educational Needs or a Disability (SEND). We are an inclusive school and every child, whatever their individual abilities or needs, is equally valued and welcome here.


Our school motto is ‘Every Child, Every Chance, Every Day' and this is something woven into the very fabric of Amherst. We work well in partnering with the community in this ethos. 



What does Inclusion mean?


Inclusion is a universal human right. The aim of inclusion is to embrace all people irrespective of race, gender, disability, medical or other needs. It is about giving equal access and opportunities and getting rid of barriers to learning as well as discrimination or intolerance. Inclusion is about providing equal opportunities for all children. This means that all of the following groups have the same rights:  boys and girls; minority ethnic and faith groups; children who need support to learn English as an additional language; children with additional educational needs; highly able children; children who are looked after by the local authority; children with disabilities; children with medical conditions; children from families under stress; children at risk of exclusion.


At Amherst Primary we believe successful inclusion:


  • should result in every pupil feeling safe, confident and happy at school. 
  • should see every pupil making the best progress of which they are able. 
  • should see every pupil enjoying their time at school be that in lessons, during their play or lunchtimes or when involved in any of our extracurricular activities. 
  • should promote every child’s belief in themselves as a learner and valued member of our school community. 
  • is the responsibility of the whole school community 
  • should promote equality regardless of gender, ethnicity, culture, religion, language, disability, attainment, age or background

More information about support service can be found by following the link below: 

If a parent has a concern about their child and their needs, they should communicate this in the first instance with their child’s class teacher. If further support is needed, the class teacher may arrange a meeting with the parents, the class teacher and the SENCo to discuss next steps and possible referrals. Parents are welcome to contact the school nurse if they have concerns. There are drop-in times when they can speak to her at school (these are given to the office staff each term); alternatively, they can contact her at Lukis House on 01481 725241.


Our Inclusion Lead and ALNCo is Mrs Angie Humphrey.  She leads the inclusion and support of children with additional needs or disabilities as well as overseeing support for vulnerable children and families.


As part of our Inclusive Practice, we work closely with outside agencies. Some of these include the Educational Psychology Service, School Nurse, CAMHS, the Reparative Care Team, Speech and Language, Occupational Therapy, the Communication, Interaction and Autism Service (CIAS) and the Les Voies Outreach Team.

Please see the links below for further advise from support agencies in Guernsey  










The children’s occupational therapy resources where parents have access to practical advice and strategies to support a wide range of functional, sensory and motor concerns.
