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Amherst Primary School

Every child, every chance, every day.

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Amherst Primary School

Every child, every chance, every day.

Health and Safety

Keeping Healthy


Helping to keep our children safe and healthy is one of our main priorities at Amherst.


Each primary school has a named school nurse who can be contacted either through the school or directly at Lukis House. They can provide confidential help and advice to children, parents, carers and families in these areas.

School Nursing Service Referral Pathway for Children and Young People (CYP)

Healthy and Active 




What we eat and drink has a great effect on our physical and mental health. It is a major part of our culture, our daily routines and our family, social and work lives. At Amherst, we are supported by the Guernsey Health Commission which has a range of initiatives to support children to eat well 


Click the link below for more information 

Amherst Lunchbox Approach for Parents


Healthier Packed Lunches for Children


What you need to know


Eating well is important. Children need to eat well as it will give them energy and nutrients to grow and develop, be healthy and active.

A healthy, enjoyable lunch gives children the energy they need to learn and play at school.


We ask that children have fruit or vegetables for their snack at snack time in the morning. 


The practical tips below have been written by year 6 pupils. Please use their ideas to make your child a healthier packed lunch.


Practical Tips for a Healthy Lunchbox


  • Make sure the lunchbox contains food your child will enjoy eating
  • Try to vary the contents of the lunchbox daily so that your child enjoys a variety of different foods as part of a balanced diet.
  • Let your child help prepare their lunchbox. They will enjoy the food they have made.
  • To keep food fresh, put in an ice-cold drink or an ice pack.
  • Make sure there is at least one piece of fruit towards their five a day.
  • Vary the fruit.
  • Give your child plenty of water and ensure they have a water bottle in school.
  • Add a little salad to a sandwich.
  • For variety, use crackers, savoury biscuits or breadsticks.
  • For an alternative to bread, make a salad using rice, potato or pasta


Useful Leaflet about Head Lice Treatment
