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Amherst Primary School

Every child, every chance, every day.

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Amherst Primary School

Every child, every chance, every day.


We believe that the best science teaching fosters and develops pupils’ curiosity. For our pupils to achieve well in science, they need to acquire the necessary scientific knowledge and also be able to enjoy the experience of engaging in purposeful scientific enquiry in order to help them to answer questions about the world around them.


We aim to deliver joyous and purposeful learning through Science - guided by The Bailiwick Big Picture Curriculum. ‘Children and young people live in an age of fast-moving science, design and technology. This area of learning is fundamental to exploring, understanding and influencing the natural and made worlds in which we live. It offers a wealth of experiences and ideas that encourage learners’ natural curiosity and creativity, inspiring awe and wonder.’


Science at Amherst is delivered through topics. Our topics are vibrant and constantly evolving as we consider both our children’s interests and also entitlements. We embrace working outdoors promoting outdoor learning at every opportunity as an effective, engaging and inspirational way to teach science. Science develops an understanding of the environment and sustainability which is best experienced first-hand.

We recognise that Science plays a key role in addressing environmental challenges and contributing to the development of a world that is more sustainable than it is at present.

Scientific enquiry increases children’s capacity to:


• Problem-solve and answer questions. Rich opportunities are provided where children explore their own ideas, develop and deepen conceptual understanding.


• Work with independence. Thinking and reasoning is nurtured alongside a host of qualities, including resilience, determination and confidence.


• ‘Be a scientist’. A necessary toolkit of practical skills is developed and added to over time.


• Communicate effectively. Technical and scientific vocabulary is learned, practised and used, as children communicate evidence in a variety of ways, often with different audiences in mind.
