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Amherst Primary School

Every child, every chance, every day.

Home Page

Amherst Primary School

Every child, every chance, every day.

Child Protection

Amherst Safeguarding Information Leaflet

Guernsey Child Protection Leaflet



Excellent attendance is expected of all children, but when children are unwell parents are expected to confirm absence by telephone. If there is no notification school will phone home to ascertain each child’s whereabouts. The school works closely with the Education Welfare officer whenever a child’s attendance and punctuality causes concern.  


Site Security

  • Visitors must enter through the main entrance and after signing in at the office they will be given a visitors badge which they need to wear whilst on school premises.

  • Children will only be allowed home with adults who have parental responsibility or confirmed permission.

  • Children should never be allowed to leave school alone during school hours, and if collected by an adult they are required to sign out.

  • Should a child leave the school premises without permission then staff should be informed to report immediately to the office or Headteacher, the matter will be dealt with by a senior leader. On no account should a pupil be chased, however, if possible, they should be followed at a distance and kept in view. The parents (and police if necessary) will be informed of the circumstances.
