At Amherst, we believe that Physical Education is essential to children's growth, health and well being. It is our aim to ensure that our children should be active every day and they understand the importance of being active as a part of a healthy life.
Physical Education, therefore, is vital to our curriculum and children will experience a variety of activities as part of their weekly lessons or as extracurricular clubs.
Children have 2 hours of timetabled PE lessons a week, rotating between, swimming, games, gymnastics and dance throughout the year, as well as active breaks during the day.
The basis of our curriculum throughout the school is developing the children fundamental movement skills which are:
Once the children have developed these skills in Key Stage 1, we start to use these skills in specific sports such as football, netball, tag rugby in Key Stage 2.
We are well supported by the Guernsey Sports Commission who provide qualified specialist staff to teach and coach certain areas of our curriculums as well as Sports Development Officers who provided specialist coaching.
The children take part in swimming lessons during the Summer Term. Our aim is to ensure that all our children are "taught to swim competently, confidently and proficiently over a distance of at least 25 metres; using a range of strokes effectively; performing safe self-rescue in different water-based situations” (Guernsey Curriculum)
At Amherst, we offer a wide range of extra opportunities through the curriculum and clubs.
Please follow the link below to see clubs on offer this term